Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Is it still Monday??

1. Go to work
2. Play with Riley
3. Watch Biggest Loser
4. Clean up with living room
5. Play with Camera

1. Done. Worked longer than intended and it felt like it was Monday all over again. Yep, it was a fabulous day.
2. I picked up Riley at school. He got into my car and looked for blankie and binky. Unfortunately, I have no blankie and binky in the car as they are for night time. Thankfully, I redirected him by asking what he wanted for dinner. Yep, you got it meatballs and spaghetti. He kept saying meatball where are you. It was so cute. Thankfully, Grandma Wilson froze some meatballs while she was here and they came to good use tonight. They are Riley's favorite.
3. Yep, it's a guilty pleasure. I love watching this show. I don't think I could make it through a single one of those workouts. Though I'm pretty competitive so I think I could totally wipe them in the challenges.
4. I cleaned up the mail, newspaper and clothes, but no matter how much you clean, it seems like there is still always something left.
5. I took lots of pictures tonight. Still had problems remember to take of the stupid lens cap.
All the pictures were of the guys. I think they are getting a little tired of being my models, so I got the cats tonight too. Here are some pics from tonight.

I think I'm going to start finding time to read. Any suggestions???

1 comment:

  1. Reading suggestions? Yes! "The Last Lecture" by Randy Pausch. (it will make you cry...lots!) Or for a much lighter read, Candace Bushnell's new book "One Fifth Avenue."
